Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Stay Tuned....

I will be posting a few blogs in the very near future about my explorations in China.

Friday, October 15, 2010

First Leg Down...

So I just landed in Seattle for my connecting flight to Beijing. I'm up in the First CLass Lounge and its pretty nice. Nice and quiet so I can take care of these last few things. Gotta get the phone situation figured out so I aint wasting money over there. Sitting here people watching and all the Chinese people in the lounge are eating Ramen Cup-O-Noodles.....find that funny lol.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Ok so I got to the DMV at 6am so I could be first in line for the stand-by drivers test(I'm what you call an "aggressive" driver thus leading to a temporary suspension in my license thus leading to the NV state law saying "any persons with a suspended license in the last 7 years is required to take a drive and written test in order to obtain a NV license."). OK so we all have our faults lol. Anyways I have been to the DMV 4 time this summer to take said test and each time I have been too far back in line and they don't get to my number. Well this morning I was on a mission. I brought a chair, my laptop, a water and my laptop connect card. I was ready to wait. I arrived at 6am. I posted up my chair like I was waiting for the new fucking Iphone to release. I was #1 in line. Nothing could stop me now. I get my number. I go in to the desk. She looks over my paper work. She says "Do you have your birth certificate and social security card?" " doesn't say I need it on the piece of paper." "Well you need it." "Serious?! Well can I run home and get it?" "Ya sure." "OK, well gimme my number back and I will trade with the guy a few behind me." EHHHHHHH wrong. Apparently changing the order of guy #1 in line and guy #5 in line will completely fuck up the rotation and the universe will implode. This dumb fucking cunt wouldn't give me my number back so I didn't have to wait in line again. Wouldn't even consider it. Would it make that big of a difference? It won't change the order, and i don't think whoever I was gonna trade with would care since they would be up next. So whats the big deal? Anybody working in the DMV is predisposition-ed to being a complete asshole. She knows damn well she could have let me trade #s. And this isn't the first time this has happened. I have seen plenty of people screwed because the DMV employees didn't wanna cut them a simple break. I wasn't asking her to pass me when I didn't deserve it, simply to let me keep my prime spot in line after I showed up 2 fucking hours early. So after cussing for a few minutes and generally belittling any government employee, I took the number and left very heated. I wanted to throw the damn printer on the desk but I refrained. At the end of the day I basically woke up at 5:30am and was at the DMV 2 hours early to be #22 in line. I hope some disgruntled food service employee spits in her burrito tonight. 

I understand we all have jobs to do and rules to follow. But this is like ticketing someone for jaywalking on an empty street. WHO THE FUCK CARES!!??!!


Im off to China in 2 days. This is gonna be a weird experience. On one hand I get all the playing time I can handle. I will be the man on a team once again and prove that I can be a valuable part of a team. On the other hand I'm going to a country where I will literally be a giant. I get asked how tall I am on a daily basis here as it is. I wonder how bad its gonna be over there? And I dont even know the language so God knows what they are really asking. I am excited tho for the experience. I have always wanted to go overseas and love experiencing new things, plus I really do enjoy Chinese food so that should be fun.  I wonder how long before I go to the local McDonalds?


I must say I absolutely hate the DMV. I hope I never have to come back here again. Especially not in NV. That is all.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Randy Moss Coming Back To The Vikings?!??!?!

PLEEEEEEEAAAAASEEEEEE come back so we can have more of this greatness!

Seriously Something Wrong With The Justice System

Is this seriously the level of justice in MS? There are rapists and murderers running around the nieghborhoods right now but these 2 ladies r convicted of armed robbery of 11 dollars ad they get life? There needs to be a serious overhaul of the justice system in America. At least the Conneticut murderers that tortured and raped that wife and 2 daughters was convicted. Hopefully they give them death.

Monday, October 4, 2010

My First Post

Aight here goes post #1. Nothin to really say except I am now addicted to and have played about 8 hrs already and I just downloaded it last night. I always loved poker but never got into it online because of all the idiots who go all-in every hand. Fulltilt has solved that tho so now I can enjoy it.